Home > A Shocking Way to Make Money

A Shocking Way to Make Money

November 29th, 2006 at 10:49 am

Way back in the middle ages, thieves used to risk life and limb climbing onto church roofs to steal lead plate. It seems the recent commodities boom has brought this type of theft back into fashion, with a new shocking twist. A worldwide spike in metal prices has been blamed for a surge in the theft of copper and other metals, with copper fetching up to $10 a kilogram and brass about $4.50. Homes, building sites, scrapyards and even schoolground water bubblers have been targeted by gangs.

What's next, stealing gold fillings from people's mouths?

You can read the full story at SMH.

1 Responses to “A Shocking Way to Make Money”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    What is a water bubbler? Is it a drinking fountain?

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